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Results for "author_first: "Laurence", author_last: "Freeman", latest_content: 1"
Fully Alive Reflections on the simplicity and humility of Christian meditation.
Web of Silence Laurence Freeman on the need for silence in a world of dense communication and noise.
Jesus Laurence Freeman on how well people deal with their shadow side.
First Sight Laurence Freeman on how contemplation and action are wed together in faith.
First Sight A fresh perspective on how Christians can deepen their faith through meditation.
The Selfless Self Laurence Freeman on meditation which falls under the spiritual practice of attention.
John Main John Main on the use of mantra as a devotional practice.
John Main A top-drawer anthology of essays by an English Benedictine monk who pioneered the practice of Christian meditation.
Jesus A marvelous tapestry of meanings about the historical figure at the heart of Christianity.
Common Ground Letters on the nature of spiritual friendship, holiness, clarity, wounded healers, and the punctuality of the Spirit.